Total and Google Cloud develop tool to predict rooftop PV potential

Total and Google Cloud develop tool to predict rooftop PV potential

The Solar Mapper uses artificial intelligence algorithms that compile data extracted from satellite images. It can estimate site solar potential and indicate the most suitable technology.

French energy company Total and Google Cloud have developed the Solar Mapper analytical prediction tool to accelerate PV deployment by providing rapid estimates of household solar energy potential.

The system will be deployed in Europe ahead of a global roll-out, according to its developers.

Solar Mapper uses artificial intelligence algorithms to compile and improve data extracted from satellite images. It is said to be able to indicate the most suitable technology as well as estimating site solar potential. The developers have also touted the geographic coverage of the system, with 90% of France applicable for its use, for instance.

“Solar Mapper will allow Total to deploy solar panels on private roofs more quickly, in order to provide its customers with more affordable and more available solar energy,” said Marie-Noëlle Séméria, R&D director at the energy company. “By combining Total’s expertise in solar energy with that of Google Cloud in artificial intelligence and databases, we were able to develop this offer in six months.”

The service will also be offered as a commercial and industrial application, said Total and Google Cloud.

The French energy giant said Solar Mapper is part of its ambition to “become a world leader in renewable energy production, with a view to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.”

Total said around 40% of the group’s investments are devoted to ‘low carbon energy.’


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