Germany deployed 620 MW of solar in April

Germany deployed 620 MW of solar in April

A large amount of April’s new PV capacity is represented by ground-mounted solar projects selected in tenders. By contrast, demand for PV systems ranging in size from 300 to 750 kW, has declined.

Germany saw the addition of 619.4 MW of new PV capacity in April, according to the latest figures from federal network agency the Bundesnetzagentur.

This compares to 548.6 MW in March this year and 380 MW in April 2020. The newly installed solar power generation capacity for the first four months of this year was 2,054 MW. In the same period a year earlier, this capacity stood at around 1,479.5 MW.

Of the monthly new additions, 243 MW was represented by PV installations built outside the tender scheme for projects ranging in size from 300 kW to 10 MW.

A strong decline in PV systems has been registered in the segment of rooftop projects with a capacity of 300 kW to 750 kW that, prior to the reform of the German renewable energy law enacted at the end of 2020, were entitled to receive a feed-in tariff and which have now been included in the project categories that must participate in tenders.

The Bundesnetzagentur also reported that the segment of ground-mounted systems up to 750 kilowatts in size, for which no tender is necessary, also declined. At 22.2 MW, this segment recorded its weakest month so far this year.

The cumulative capacity of all subsidized PV systems in Germany reached 55.5 GW at the end of April.

The federal network agency also published new compensation rates which will begin in June. The monthly decrease of solar subsidies remains at 1.4% while fixed feed-in tariffs for rooftop systems will range between €0.0758/kWh and €0.0577/kWh, depending on size.


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