Dual-axis tracker supports power production in cold climates

Dual-axis tracker supports power production in cold climates

The solar solution installed by Aartha Group uses a unique design to achieve output goals in harsh winter conditions.

North of the 39th parallel near Halifax, Nova Scotia, an area familiar with harsh winter conditions, low sun angle, and coastal-related degradation concerns, a dynamic solar array has been installed. A Halifax estate owner hired the Aartha Group of Surrey, British Columbia, to construct a solution that uses a Mechatron dual-axis tracker.

The tracking mount, according to Aartha Group, has performed better than most tracker technologies in northern climates. The group cites the tracker’s near-vertical positioning capability as an effective method for snow-shedding.

The Mechatron structure was also selected for its expected reliability. Its gearless design is expected to be an advantage over a typical geared structure. Other designs have had occurrences of shattered gears in conditions of extreme cold and high wind.

The array includes 90 Canadian Solar bifacial 390W panels, which allows the panels to gather solar irradiance reflecting back from the snow, or from the light-gray gravel substrate beneath the mount.

The estate owner claims a 20% increase in output from the bifacial panels. This, combined with the 35% increase in production due to the dual-axis tracker, as opposed to a fixed-mount, has led to what the owner claims is a nearly 50% increase in production.

From: https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2021/06/02/dual-axis-tracker-supports-power-production-in-cold-climates/

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