Minnesota Power targets 100% carbon-free energy by 2050

Minnesota Power targets 100% carbon-free energy by 2050

The utility plans to retire or convert its remaining coal-fired units and procure more wind and solar power.

Minnesota Power said it plans to become 100% carbon-free by 2050, building on the utility’s EnergyForward strategy and recent achievement of providing 50% renewable energy to its customers.

In its upcoming Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), Minnesota Power will lay out next steps in its clean energy transition over the next 15 years. Included will be plans to expand wind and solar resources, achieve coal-free operations at its facilities by 2035, and invest in what it calls a resilient and flexible transmission and distribution grid.

“We are proud to be the first Minnesota utility to provide 50% renewable energy,” said Bethany Owen, president and CEO of parent company ALLETTE. The utility’s IRP is intended to help it continue to move toward emission reduction goals.

The IRP outlines plans to boost the utility’s renewable energy supply to 70% by 2030 with about 400 MW of new wind and solar. The company said it also is proposing to retire a 335 MW coal unit by 2030 and convert its final, 468 MW unit to be coal-free by 2035, completing the utility’s shift away from coal that started in 2013.

Minnesota Power will submit the IRP to state utility regulators on February 1. Following a comment period, a final decision on the IRP is expected later this year.

From: https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2021/01/12/minnesota-power-targets-100-clean-energy-by-2050/

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