Maryland school students rally for renewable energy bill

Maryland school students rally for renewable energy bill

ANNAPOLIS, MD. School students from across Maryland spent Presidents Day rallying in Annapolis to support renewable energy legislation.

Kids are taking action against climate change. They point out the issue represents the biggest injustice in their lifetime, and they are complaining adults aren’t listening to their concerns.

“We have only a few years left until our negative impacts on the planet are entirely irreversible, and it’s not in the future. It is literally right now,” said Olivia Fay, a student at Severna Park High School.

The group Rally for a Clean Energy Future is backing legislation that doubles the state’s reliance on renewable energy, like solar and wind, by 2030 and puts the state on a path for using 100 percent renewable energy by 2040.

The bill also removes energy generated from trash incineration from the definition of renewable energy.

“That’s going to be affecting marginalized communities the most. The air that people breathe — people of color living in poverty are the ones breathing this dirty air,” said Jordan McAuliff, a high school student.

“In a few years, we are going to see serious changes in our atmosphere and in our world, and by that point, if we don’t start doing things right now, by the time it gets to that point, it’s going to be too late. Then, we are really in trouble,” said Kanayo Deru, a high school student.

Students, labor groups and clergy are endorsing the Maryland Health Green Amendment. The bill adds the right to a healthy, clean environment to the state constitution.

“Inaction is a death sentence for our generation’s future, and we will not accept this. So today, we are both literally and figuratively our own lifelines,” said Maddie Graham, a student at Montgomery Blair High School.

The bill has 28 co-sponsors in the Senate and 71 in the House. Committee hearings are set for early next month. Passage of the renewable energy bill is expected with a veto-proof margin.


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