Germany installed 2.75 GW of PV in first half of 2021

Germany installed 2.75 GW of PV in first half of 2021

In June alone, new PV systems totaling 430 MW were connected to the German grid. The country’s cumulative operational PV capacity reached 55.3 GW at the end of June.

Germany saw the addition of 428.5 MW of new PV capacity in June, according to the latest figures from the Federal Network Agency – the Bundesnetzagentur.

This compares to 403 MW in May this year and 437 MW in June 2020. The newly installed solar power generation capacity for the first six months of this year was 2.75 GW. In the same period a year earlier, 2.36 GW of solar capacity was added. 612 MW added in April this year remains the biggest month for PV in Germany, a figure revised slightly down from the original data release.

Of the monthly new additions, 306.7 MW was represented by PV installations with a capacity lower than 300 kW, built under the country’s feed-in tariff scheme. This segment reached a total capacity of almost 2 GW for the first half of the year.

The cumulative capacity of all subsidized PV systems in Germany reached 55.3 GW at the end of June.

The Bundesnetzagentur also published new compensation rates which will begin in August. The monthly decrease of solar subsidies remains at 1.4% while fixed feed-in tariffs for rooftop systems will range between €0.0736/kWh and €0.0560/kWh, depending on size.


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