COVID-19: Myths Or Truth?

Rumors can easily circulate within communities during a crisis, and that has been happening during the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. You must have heard about the following statements before:
Ordering or buying products shipped from overseas will get me infected?
A lot of research has been made on the new coronavirus to learn more about how it infects people. As of this writing, the WHO says that the likelihood of becoming infected with COVID-19 from a commercial package is low, since the Coronavirus can only survive on inanimate objects for a few hours, maybe a day or two in perfect laboratory conditions. The fact is that the package has likely traveled over several days and been exposed to different temperatures and conditions during transit.
5G mobile networks can spread COVID-19?
One strong evidence is that the virus is also spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks. Studies have already proved that COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks, not on radio waves/mobile networks. It is also possible to be infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose.
COVID-19 can be transmitted through mosquito bites?
Although mosquitoes can spread some diseases, including Zika virus, West Nile, and malaria, there is currently no evidence suggesting they can spread COVID-19. It is thought to spread primarily from person-to-person in respiratory droplets from someone who is infected. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing.
Please do your part to the stop the spread of rumors. Don’t believe the rumors, don’t pass them along, and remember to go to trusted sources of information to get the facts about the federal (COVID-19) response.